Rooster Bet Casino is an online casino that offers a variety of games, bonuses, and promotions to its players. The Curacao Gaming Authority licenses the casino and accepts players from many countries, including Australia and Canada. Rooster Bet Casino has a colourful and user-friendly website that features a rooster mascot and a catchy slogan: “Join Now & Get $5000 + 300 FREE SPINS.
User Interface and Design
From the moment you step into Rooster Casino, you’re greeted by a lively and colourful interface that sets the tone for a fun-filled gaming experience. The website’s design is user-friendly, making navigation a breeze. The rooster-themed graphics are charming and add a touch of whimsy to the overall aesthetic.
Bonuses and Promotions at Rooster Bet Casino
Rooster Bet Casino has a generous welcome package for new players who sign up and make their first four deposits. The welcome package consists of the following:
1st Deposit Bonus: 100% up to $1000 + 100 FREE SPINS
2nd Deposit Bonus: 50% up to $1000 + 50 FREE SPINS (Bonus code: ROOSTER2)
3rd Deposit Bonus: 50% up to $1500 + 50 FREE SPINS (Bonus code: ROOSTER3)
4th Deposit Bonus: 75% up to $1500 + 100 FREE SPINS (Bonus code: ROOSTER4)
In addition to the welcome package, Rooster Bet Casino also offers reload bonuses on Tuesdays and Fridays, where players can get extra rewards for making deposits on those days. The casino also has a VIP program that rewards loyal players with exclusive benefits, such as cashback, free spins, a personal account manager, and more.
Casino Games and Providers
Rooster Bet Casino has a large selection of games from different categories and providers. The casino offers slots, live casino, mystery drops, jackpot, bonus buy, hold & win, instant win, and aviator games.
Some of the popular games include:
Wild Chicago
Wolf Spins 243
Wish Granted
Wild Wild Vegas
Wild Spin
Wild Cash x9990
Wild Phoenix Rises
Wild Fruit Jam
Wild Lucky Chance, and many more.
The casino works with some of the leading software providers in the industry, such as:
Rooster Bet Casino Banking and Support
The Casino supports various payment methods for deposits and withdrawals, such as:
Rooster Bet Casino claims to process withdrawals within 24 hours and has a minimum withdrawal limit of $2012. The casino also has a 24/7 customer support team that can be contacted via live chat, email, or phone. The casino also has a FAQ section that answers some of the common questions that players might have.
Customer Support and Security
Rooster Casino’s customer support team deserves a round of applause for their responsiveness and helpfulness. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer, the support team is ready to assist with any queries or concerns. The 24/7 live chat feature ensures that help is always just a click away.
Ensuring a secure and fair gaming environment is a top priority at Rooster Casino. The platform employs state-of-the-art encryption technology to safeguard players’ personal and financial information. Additionally, the games are regularly audited for fairness, providing peace of mind to all players.
Our Final Verdict on Rooster Bet Casino
Rooster Bet Casino is a new and exciting online casino that offers a lot of games, bonuses, and promotions to its players. The casino has a fun and colourful theme that features a rooster mascot and a catchy slogan. Rooster Bet Casino is licensed and accepts players from many countries, including Australia and Canada. The casino has a generous welcome package and a VIP program that rewards new and loyal players. The casino supports various payment methods and has a fast and friendly customer support team. Rooster Bet Casino is a casino that is worth checking out for online casino enthusiasts.